3/15/2021 - I updated the website with the data from the March SMUBIKS. With this update, I resign my position as webmaster, as I feel I can no longer be responsive to the club needs.

1/25/2021 - Added the data from the January 2021 SMUBIKS.

9/9/2020 - Added the SMUBIKS Zermatt Flyer information for viewing from the website.

8/25/2020 - Updated the website from the September 202 SMUBKS. Ran into problems with space and it took days to resolve. Still not certain what fixed it, but I couldn't post any changes to the website.

7/21/2020 - daed the website wth the information from the August 2020 SMUBIKS.

6/28/2020 - Updated the website from the July Mini SMUBIKS.

3/15/2020 - Updated the website from the April Mini SMUBIKS.


There is still some room for improvement, so let me hear your ideas. I'll consider them all and take action on those that are worthwhile.

You can contact me at [email protected].




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